I’m so grateful to those of you who are joining me as a paid subscriber! It’s been a dream of mine for a long time to create a community that celebrates and supports one another through the power of cooking (and sharing!)
The holidays are here and I’m thinking about all of you out there. Whether it's the days getting darker faster, or memories of family gatherings–this time of year can be a mixed bag of feels. Until recently, my holiday season was spent in restaurants. Grill fires blazing, pots boiling, ticket machines whirring, and a line of chefs who (at least for the night) were family. Making family meal during the holidays was my favorite. Cooking for my team always brought me back to myself. I loved teaching the crew secrets to my lasagna (ps. it’s mascarpone!!) or my salad dressing (modeled after the house salad at Sonny’s in Chicago). When I worked my way from cook to “Chef,” I lost moments where I would be able to cook for the team. You just get so busy running around you often miss family meal all together.
All of this to say, when things get really busy during the holidays, just turn up Mariah’s “All I want for Christmas” (why will I never get sick of this song??) and cook and feed your people!
So, in the spirit of bringing joy into our lives one meal at a time, let's dive into soup and sounds for the soul.